Something that makes me crazy(er)
Allowing the noisy (and possibly nonexistent) few, to run the show.
I am not talking big time politics or anything that lofty at all. Just the day to day stuff. For example: one mother's claim at a PTO meeting last year, that "people" are upset, because the kindergartners get more $ per person for their classroom parties than the older kids, so we need to slash their budget. "People"?? Really? As I sit with my jaw resting on my shoes, the PTO folds to this menacing and overwhelming crowd of "people" represented by in fact ONE lady who seems to be the only one fielding these complaints. To the PTO's credit, they realized the scam and unfolded on this issue.
Yes, those are the scenarios that get me, the anonymous and impossible to quantify "people", or "parents" who complain about something, and therefore the world must stop what it is doing, validate the complaint, without checking as to it's legitimacy, or EVER naming a complainant, and automatically accommodate the demands.
Claiming that "People" and "Parents" are concerned, or complaining about something is such a brilliant and cowardly way to inflate the urgency and seriousness of an issue without having to address it head on. The reality is, it is an attempt to make it sound like a large group of people has spoken out about a concern, when the reality might be that ONE or TWO people may or may not have complained, and even then, that anonymous one or two, might be the very people who are reporting and acting on the complaints as if they came from the angry mob, and not them, because they don't have the guts to just say what is on their mind and they prefer to pretend that they are only doing what "people" are demanding... whether or not the demand holds any credibility strangely, rarely seems to matter.
That is all.
Fed Up With Leftard Obstruction-ary
USAID money went to this horse's ass.
All the more reason to shut it down.
Democrap USAID recipients...
Chuck Norri...
1 day ago
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